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Our growing community of businesses and individuals have partnered to make a change and lasting impact on our waterways. Be part of that community, fill out the form below and one of our consultants will get in touch with you!

Let's connect and make a change together

  • Offset

    Offset your plastic pollution. No more waiting, we promise immediate results. Be part of the solution.

  • Marketing

    This is a marketable impact. Customers are asking brands to be more responsible, show them that you are making an impact today.

  • Reach & Exposure

    Reach new and younger customers, we will help you communicate with your audiences and ours. Our community will become yours, the more we grow the bigger the community.

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Being sustainable matters now more than ever

Plastic pollution is a significant and rapidly growing threat to our oceans and our way of life.

•300 million tonnes of plastic are produced each year.

•12 million tonnes of plastic enter the ocean each year.

•By 2050, plastic in the ocean will outweigh all of the oceans fish.

We need to act now!